Spent a few hours sorting out the time consuming parts of a new boat buildup, we can now have dyneema trap lines on the f18. Not sure of the reason, but it has been touted as a safety issue but I'm stuffed if I can see it being any different in practice.
Anyhow, I like to tweak my boat so it suits me to have the freedom to make this stuff.
I used some 3mm sk75 in yellow because it looks cool! But later on I will receive my new 2.5mm highly pre stretched sk78 from alpha ropes. So I will make another set of lines then.
These first ones came out really nicely and the cool carbon handles really fit well and work even better.
Boat arrives on Monday, so it's going to be a busy week, have to get the wildcat sorted and we have a heavy weather test scheduled for the motor cat.
Oh, keep an eye out for the motor cat this Saturday, it's being used as a jury boat for the team racing event. We will do some video of it during the event.

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